Those Memphians

I was recently asked to write an article for The Tishomingo County News. The below article was published on August 3, 2022 and can be found here..

Those Memphians…

Like many people during the pandemic, our family went stir crazy.

During the phase of “flatten the curve” when we were truly in lockdown, we frantically began seeking a sense of normalcy. Since we had a cabin at Goat Island, we decided to leave the greater suburbs of Memphis and spend the majority of our time near the lake and outdoors until we could figure out what the future and our workspaces would look like.

After just a few days, we quickly realized we were not the only ones with this novel idea. Seemingly, all of Memphis, including those that didn’t have a place at the lake, decided to come to Pickwick Lake and many of them never left.

While trying to enjoy some time at the dock, I looked out over the water and said, “These Memphians need to go home. They are ruining our lake.”
Then, my son (only 8 years old and already a wise man) said “You mean, like us?”
Well, I never thought of myself as a Memphian, I was always a girl from Iuka who just so happened to live in Memphis. So, should I be mad at tourists coming or excited for the future these people bring to our hometown?

In the coming weeks, I hope to explore some of the exciting changes coming to Tishomingo County and the Pickwick Lake area.
Now, I know some people might be resistant to change, but these investments in our town will do wonders for local tourism and reputation.
Imagine being one of those small towns featured in Southern Living magazine. Imagine historical tours, planned day trips, and revitalized shopping districts.

Growing up, I always knew the potential of we had here.
I outlasted the NASA generation.
I remember the commotion of getting two stoplights, just to have one removed.
I’ve seen countless movies at the drive-in.

I introduced my husband to the wonders of Sonic. Now, with new support for restaurants and hotels (even this newspaper!), I believe Tishomingo County is primed to explode in popularity and this is an absolute win for the community.

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